Roamer Spotlight: Katie Derkacz


Roamer Spotlight: Katie Derkacz

At the beginning, I spent time with Katie building a strong core foundation, proper belly breathing, and ensuring her form was correct, before we increased the resistance and difficulty of her workouts. We did not rush into getting her back to running, we respected her body and what it needed one program at a time.


What is Fascial Stretch Therapy and Why Do You Need It?


What is Fascial Stretch Therapy and Why Do You Need It?

Making sure you do mobility work and foam rolling on a regular basis is an excellent first step to maintaining proper range of motion and flexibility. But on your own, you will never be able to reach the optimal amount of relaxation to target specific muscles, as Fascial Stretch Therapy can.


Roamer Spotlight: Claire O'Gorman


Roamer Spotlight: Claire O'Gorman

Claire started coming to the R2R classes to work on improving her strength and cardio. She loves hiking, camping, and cross country skiing. End of last year, her fitness goals changed quite significantly.
